I've got pictures of most of my fable minifigs below, as they're the only custom ones i'm really happy with. Each picture has the mini fig (as you can see!)and their weapons next to them if they have any. The captions are always about the minifig above where your reading. Sorry about the quality of some of the pictures, it was from the flash on the camera. If you like this section and want to make cool figs and films, go to the "Films for improvers" section.
PS. in case you didn't know most of the people have decals on their bodies, that you can make with sticky label paper and fine-line pens.
The first one, above, is Aarkan, also known as "the Hero" in the game. He is the main character in Lego Fable TLC.
The Guildmaster. I forgot to give him that weird little moustache that he has, but I still think he is good.
This is Maze. He is the kind of "second-in-command" type guy at heroes guild.
Scarlet Robe. She is also known as balverine slayer and she is Aarkans mother.
Theresa. She's Aarkans sister. She has a bandadge round her eyes because Jack of blades and twinblade cut out her eyes during the night of the Oakvale raid.
This is whisper. She has a brother called thunder who dislikes Aarkan for his own reasons. She is Aarkans room mate and guild partner at heroes guild.
The fig above is Briar Rose. She is an smart girl hero usually uses knowledge and will to outwit foes.
The figure on the right is a town guard. On the left is a trader.
Barveines A.K.A. were-wolves but they don't just turn at night, they are like that all the time. The white one is more powerful, faster, stronger and harder to kill.
The one...The only...Jack Of Blades!!! The main villain.
One of Jack's minions. They don't actually look like this in the game but oh well.
Twinblade. On the swords are meant to be skulls but they dont look like them.
A Bandit cheiftan. I took a back shot to show you the fancy little back thing I made.