Hello again! This is the section of my site where you can Read about my current project: Lego Fable TLC (The Lost Chapters). Unfortunately you can't see my films on this site because the file sizes are too large for me to upload any.

If you have played Fable and you like I am sure you will like my animation films. There a few parts from the story line that I have changed, for instance, he doesn't get a quest card for Orchard farm, he just accidently arrives there while the Bandits are stealing the farmers crates. The hero is a good character and the storyline follow the one that you take if you are a good hero in the game, not a evil one. Two Scenes I will definately be skipping out of the movie are the two Archaeologist quests as they are boring and pointless and the game would still be cool without them. I am also skipping "The Fire heart demon door" scene because it will waste valuble film time. The hero and Briar Rose will just summon the boat without it. The final scene that will not appear is the necropolis/the oracle in snowspire. The Hero will instead have nightmares about Jack's return.

You are probabally wondering why I am making a film on Fable 1 and not Fable 2. The answer is because when I started making the film about a year ago, Fable 2 was not out so I didn't know the storyline and besides you can't just start from, half way through the series. Well, you can but I prefer not to.

In the "lego minifigs" section you can also check out some of the custom people I made for the movie.

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